Wednesday, March 3, 2010

to my best fuckin friends

sebenarnya aku ngah sedih n terasa sgt ng kawan aku yg sorg ni (dgn erti kata lain, aku ngah Emo) si A. so aku malas nk citer panjang ahaha tiba2 je terview satu page ni n aku jumpa bende ni. sound interesting kan?! hehehe

Dear fucker,

You are my fuckin friend...
And i hope u kno thats fuckin true...
no matter what the fuck happens...
i will stand the fuck by u...
i will fuckin be there for u...
when ever the fuck u need me...
to lend a fuckin hand....
to do a fuckin good deed...
whenever the fuck u need me...
Fuck, i will always be there...
Even to the bitter fuckin end...
I Send this fucking promise to U, fuckin friends to show U my fuckin friendship!


  1. eh? aku gila eh? ahahah
    cam siot je kan ayat2 tu.

  2. hhahahah. ini ke? akak jgn mainmain, fuckfuck neh ha. hahah ;D

  3. ahaha..rilex r..kita2 je kot yg baca
