Wednesday, June 30, 2010

tips cuci rambut

1st aku nk berterima kasih kt Hanis Zalikha sb klu tak kerana post dia :-
"More hair experiment by me"
aku xkan tau tips bagus ni dari Hana Jaffar. so aku nk berkongsi ng sesapa yg terbaca/baca blog aku ni tips cuci rambut ng effective

air panas tu open up the hair cuticles. senang untuk shampoo go through and cuci keluar yg kotor2.

and u dont need to use too much shampoo!it's not the quantity yg tentukan rambut u cuci bersih ke tak. actually, a 10sen size shampoo blob je dah cukup. then just work it into lather, and cuci whole head. buih2 tu yg work as pengumpul kotoran.

rinse with hot water biar semua tu mengalir keluar. then put on your conditioner. after 5-10minutes, rinse out with cold water to lock in the moisture. air sejuk tu tutupkan balik hair cuticles, and the conditioner stays in and help to bring out the shine and softness.

just toweldry will do. try not to use heating tools too often.
while towel dry, just pat it dry jangan rub it all over, and just gulung for the towel to absorb for air2 basah tu. then open up, and biar airdry dgn sndiri.

or else, your hair akan dry and frizzy.

need more explanation, or any other questions
korg leh la tanya kt blog nih :-

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