Saturday, March 6, 2010

EVERYTHING - Michael Buble

Im so fuckin bored i could scream. On a weekend i use to always be doin something, at least...hehehe but not this weekend. OMG!!! Im stuck here at this room with Ms"mr.strong" dunno where else to go (not feeling of goin somewhere). My teddy join futsal tournament at shah alam until tomorrow so i guess he dun have much time for me, agaiinnn...fuckin sad and disappointed. I feel bad just talking about stupid shit to him (kacau aku tido then buat aku sakit ati, serve him rite!) Today one of those days that I just wished Id never woken up this morning. That wud have been awesome, to have just slept right on in to tomorrow. Maybe I'll enjoy that more then today Cuz sitting infront of a comp all day and listing something to fix shit you cant fix. Hello Im not god. I cant fix the shit that other people do, hell, I cant even fix the shit I do., ;p Ms"mr.strong"?? owh she just lay on the bed watching Korean drama series, Woo Hee the Witch. Talkin to her rite now like talkin to the wall so i just let her enjoy the dramas.

Lets just forget about what i said.
owh..thinking of listening to Michael Buble's song, Everything. I just start to love this song and cant stop listen to it again and again until now still singing :)) . Thanx to Ms"mr.strong"!! hehehe i Will upload this song soon!!
I think its time that i shut up.This is already to much for me to be typing and like shit whatever fuck.

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